Welcome to the Greater Cincinnati Wrestling Officials Association
Interested in Officiating?
The process of becoming a licensed OHSAA wrestling official completely online and self-paced. To become an OHSAA official, follow these steps which can be found at this link (click here).
1. Create a profile on DragonFly DragonFly MAX
* Guide on how to create & maintain Dragonfly profile
* Guide on how to find, signup and take officials class
* All new official
2. Register for and complete the Wrestling officiating course
3. Take Officiating Exam - The class concludes with the officiating exam. Applicants must receive a passing score of 75% or better
4. Complete Concussion Training - Applicants must complete a course on concussion training and receive a permit number prior to officiating
6. Contact the GCWOA to join our association - you can contact us by emailing greatercincywrestlingofficials@gmail.com or call/text 513-260-6996 for additional information. Our schedule for meetings can be found on the MEETINGS tab on this website. Information on paying annual dues can be found on the Membership tab of this website.
7. Annual Renewal of Permit - Renew your officiating each year during the month of June through DragonFly